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Clearwater Audubon's


The mission of the Birdathon is to enhance people’s knowledge and enjoyment of birds through education, conservation and research. Birds are an integral part of our world. Through financial support of local projects, we strive to enhance the awareness, understanding and appreciation of birds and their habitats. The more we know about birds, the better we will be able to care for them, in our backyards or in the many habitats of the world. [view poster] [view flyer]

Why a Birdathon?

Benefitting local conservation priorities.

The Birdathon not only brings birders together, it raises funding for conservation and education projects.It also helps ornithologists better understand spring migration by reporting sightings through eBird, an online database of bird observations run by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. The Birdathon is held during the spring migration season across Florida. Florida is a major funnel for migratory birds heading up from the Caribbean and further south.

Due to habitat loss and climate change, migratory birds are being challenged now more than ever. According to the National Audubon Society, there are 176 vulnerable migratory birds species due to rising temperatures and changing weather conditions, which is affecting their food supply and mating habits. This is why consistent research about their movement patterns during migration is vital to understanding the future of avian conservation.
2024 Birdathon


Loyal volunteers, who do not participate on a team, may also seek Birdathon pledges. If you’d like to be involved, contact the Birdathon Chair. Inaugural Birdathon April 2024.


Birdathon Rules & Guidelines

What you should know before you register.

Sharp Shinned Hawk


This Birdathon helps Clearwater Audubon continue to support outdoor education, citizen science and habitat conservation, and encourages people to plant native plants to foster native wildlife. Each year, three local conservation projects or organizations are chosen to be beneficiaries. Read more about the 2024 recipients.

Sharp Shinned Hawk


Whether you are an individual, team, sponsoring a team or you would like to be a business sponsor, we appreciate your donation and participation in securing the future of birds in Florida.


Thanks to the Friends of Brooker Creek Preserve, the Suncoast Chapter of the Sierra Club, Wild Birds Unlimited Tampa & Vortex Optics for their 2025 sponsorship.

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